Volume 7, Fascicle 2 (13)
December, 2000
Andrej Piatčyc. The spreading of Orthodoxy in Belarus in the middle — second half of the nineteenth century
Siarhiej Chomič. The main stages of formation of the territory of BSSR (1918—1926)
Moritz Lück, Timm Richter. «Hunting is authorized»: the fight against the partisans in the «General commisariat of Belaruthenia»
Ihar Vojnič. Silviestr Kosau and Jazafat Kuncevič
Lavon Jurevič. Belarusian publishing activity in the period of the world war II
Gwin Prins. Oral history
Viačaslau Nasievič. Family and household structures in history of Europa
Andrej Portnov. The sovjetization of history as a discipline in Ukraine and Belarus
New literature: reviews
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages (Irena Hanieckaja)
The problems dealing with publishing of the Lithuanian Metryka and the first Belarusian publication (Hanna Charaškievič)
The conferences on languages in the GDL in Budapest (Ihar Klimau)
The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought.
Ed. Stuart Sim. (Maryna Sakalova)Białoruskie Zeszyty Historyczne. Nr. 1—14 (Ales Kraucevič)
Researcher of three peoples: M.V.Dounar–Zapolski (Vital Halubovič)
Brajčevśkij, Myhajlo. The selected works. (Natalla Bandarenka)
Leontjeva, Galina. A. Paleography, chronology, archaeography (Maksim Hardziejeu)
Ferenc Marek. Dwór Zygmunta Augusta (Anastasija Skiepjan)
Gudziak, Borys. Crisys and reform (Sviatłana Marozava)
Bernatowicz, Tadeusz. Miles christianus et peregrinus (Valery Pazniakou)
Łaszkiewicz, Hubert. Dziedzictwo czy towar? (Valery Pazniakou)
Kul–Sialverstava, Sviatłana. Belarus on the break of centuries and cultures (Andrej Kištymau)
Radzik, Ryszard. Między źbiorowością etniczną a wspolnotą narodową (Lija Sałaviej)
Refugees of 1914. Ed. Vital Łuba (Stanisłau Rudovič)
Mueller, Rolf–Dieter / Ueberschaer, Gerd R. Hitlers Krieg im Osten (Siarhiej Novikau)
Gerlach, Christian. Kalkulierte Morde (Siarhiej Novikau)
Werdt, Christof von. Belarus und die Gegenwart der Sowjetunion; Idem, Transformation und nationale Identität in der Ukraine und Belarus (Lavon Barščeuski)
Dissertations on history, defended in Belarus in 2000
(Anastasija Skiepjan)