Volume 5, Fascile 2 (9)
December 1998



Ryszard Radzik. From ethnic association to national community

Dmitrij Levin. The obituary of Macviej Fursau, a historian from Mahilou as a biografic source

Reiner Lindner. Belarusian historians under Stalin (1870–1945)



Ales Biely. The territory of modern Belarus on Idrisi’s map (1154)

Barbara Pedzich. Between paradise and a cesspool

Jauhien Aniscanka. The border of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the documents of the boundary commissions


In neighbours’ eyes

Andrej Partnou. Belarus and the Belarusians in the Ukrainian history manuals


To the problem of genesis of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Ales Kraucevic)

There are no essential divergences (Viacaslau Nasievic)


New Literature on History. Reviews

Returning to the “Severo–Zapadnyj kraj”? (Hienadz Sahanovic)

Historiographical “innovations” in educational books (Michas Bic)

Jakovenko, Natala. A study in history of Ukraine from the ancient times (Andrej Radaman)

Hrycak, Jaroslau. A study in history of Ukraine: formation of modern Ukrainian nation (Andrej Kistymau)

Porebski, S. Paleografia lacinska (Ivan Sincuk)

Belarusian collection. Issue 1. (Valery Pazniakou)

Istorija Lietuvos aukstuju mokyklu mokslo darbai (Uladzimir Sviazynski)

Janin, Valentin L. Novgorod and Lithuania (Hienadz Siemiancuk)

Mazeika, Rasa. The role of pagan Lithuania in Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox religious diplomacy (Natalla Brel)

Nikodem, Jaroslaw. Rola Skirgelly na Litwie (Hienadz Siemiancuk)

Mylnikov, Alexandr C. The picture of the Slavonic world (Albina Siemiancuk)

Nagielski, Miroslaw. Rokosz Lubomirskiego (Hienadz Sahanovic)

Confessions in Belarus (the late 18th–20th centuries) (Viktar Fiadosik)

Cerepica, Valeryj. Michail Osipovic Kojalovic. History of life and work; idem, The Polish national movement in Belarus (Ales Smalancuk)

Turonek, Jerzy. Weisruthenien: Zweitfrontenkrieg der Ideologien (Siarhej Novikau)


Information from expeditions of Belarusian archaeologists (1998)

“Dzeje, kultura i jezyk Litwy” (Hienadz Siemiancuk)

Dissertations on history of Belarus (1998) (Anastasija Skepjan)


Authors of the issue